
Summer Quality Time with Your Kids

Summer Quality Time with Your Kids

School's out for summer. And you know what that means for kids and parents everywhere: lots of family time, later than usual bed times, and for working parents especially, a mad scramble to cobble together a week-to-week schedule that keeps the kids engaged and safe…

Life Skills: How to Teach Your Kids Money Management

Life Skills:  How to Teach Your Kids Money Management

Teaching kids life skills is one of the primary responsibilities we parents have to our children: and yet, it can be such a tricky and emotionally charged area. Organizing, Time Management and Money Management are critical to life’s success, but aren’t typically taught in schools, or handed down easily from parent to child.

Life Skills: How to Teach Your Kids to Organize

Life Skills: How to Teach Your Kids to Organize

There’s only one thing more frustrating than not being able to clear your own clutter—and that is coming home at the end of a stressful day and being confronted with your kid’s mess.  It feels like facing your own failure as a parent. You want to teach them a life skill that you know will make their life easier and lead to more success... But how can you teach something you yourself don’t even know how to do?

Life Skills: How to Teach Your Kids Time Management 

Life Skills: How to Teach Your Kids Time Management 

Time management is the art of accurately calculating how long things take, how to plan an appropriate amount of time for tasks and find more efficient ways to get them done. Wouldn’t it be great if your kids were good at it? Imagine the drama you can avoid by not having a nightly battle over homework, or a last-minute dinosaur diorama crisis, or a college essay deadline disaster…

Decluttering: No One Lets Go in a Vacuum

Decluttering: No One Lets Go in a Vacuum

New Year’s is a classic time for a fresh start. And the act of decluttering your space and schedule can help you make room for change. It clears space to think, energy to explore, and insight as to where to go from here. Yet, we all know how hard it is to get rid of things…

Three (Better) Ways to Share the Housework

Three (Better) Ways to Share the Housework

It never ceases to astound how the duties of running a household are, by and large, considered a mother’s domain. Now often referred to as “emotional labor,” this burden is getting a lot more attention these days.

Homework Done Right: What's a Parent's Role?

Homework Done Right: What's a Parent's Role?

Lots of parents struggle with knowing what their role is when it comes to their kids’ and school. Should I (gasp) do their homework with them, to be sure it’s done right? Or should I stay out of it completely? How important is it to join the PTA, anyway?

What To Do With Unexpected Free Time

What To Do With Unexpected Free Time

What do you do when 30 minutes of free time falls in your lap?  A client with two school aged kids shared this story the other day:

“Pat was grocery shopping, Max was at a playdate, Eliana was taking a nap. I suddenly found myself with a glorious window of time and I should have done something fun, but I had no idea what to do with myself.”

Throw a Successful Garage Sale

Throw a Successful Garage Sale

Garage sales can be an amazing way to shed items that you no longer need while bringing some monetary value back to you. First you need to start with de-cluttering your home, to create your inventory of valuable items that are in good condition and should not be recycled/trashed. Once you've decided what you're selling, you can dive in with my tips (and supply list!) to make your garage sale smooth and a success!

5 Secrets of an "Intelligent" To-Do List

5 Secrets of an "Intelligent" To-Do List

It’s essential to choose a to-do list format that works the way your brain works. It needs to allow you to organize your tasks in a way that makes it easier to get things done.