Time Leadership for Teams

Techniques to Fuel Team Productivity. Time Management doesn’t happen in a vacuum, it happens in a community. The work habits of each team member affects those of the others—creating a workflow that either lifts or limits the output of each individual. Teams at every level need a common language and set of tools to ensure the highest and best use of each person’s time, talents and capabilities.

WorkSHARE focuses where people intersect: meetings, communication, and workflow management, and guides participants to openly talk about time as a shared resource. The payoff: maximizing a sense of team, while reaching organizational goals and fortifying group output. WorkSHARE teaches extremely practical teamwork, meeting and communication skills that fuel individual and group performance.


  • Synchronize Workflow

  • Fortify Group Output

  • Develop Team Time Norms


program features:

WorkSHARE training is offered as both a 4 week Core and a 12 week Enriched Learning Journey, each designed to create a highly interactive learning experience with practical application and reinforcement over time.

4 Week Core Journey Includes:

  • Skill Building Workshop

  • Participant Materials

  • 4 weeks of Email Tips

  • 60 minute Impact Wrap-up Session

  • Measurement Tools to Track Impact

12 Week Enriched Journey Includes:

  • Skill Building Workshop

  • Participant Materials

  • 12 weeks of Email Tips

  • 12 weeks Ask Julie COACHbot

  • Two x One Hour Group Follow Up Labs

  • One Hour Impact Wrap-up Session

  • Measurement Tools to Track Impact

  • Custom Best Practices Guide

participants learn to:

  • Embrace time as a collective resource

  • Identify time style strengths/challenges

  • Talk transparently about workload & flow

  • Maximize effectiveness of meetings

  • Organize communication with peers

  • Rightsize expectations with assignments

  • Graciously handle curveballs

  • Productively manage time roadblocks

Thank you so much for such an incredible session with our team. It was such a valuable workshop for the team and I know that we will apply many of our learnings immediately.
— Team Leader, National Nonprofit