
5 Ways to Make Time for Your Spouse

5 Ways to Make Time for Your Spouse

Once you have children, it’s almost as if you forget how to have a real adult conversation. It’s so easy to revert to talking about kid logistics, or kid activities, or kid-anything — but that comes at a cost, to the sense of connection you have with your significant other. For the health of your relationship — and your own well-being — it’s essential to make time for each other, with no kids involved. Read on for a few ideas to get you started…

Couples Who Share The Workload Have More ...

Couples Who Share The Workload Have More ...

Many of us enter this whole cohabitating thing with a lot of love, but without a clue. We get blindsided by the amount of joint-decision making there is to do — like dividing the logistics, in a way that is transparent, fair, and manageable. Because it’s so uncomfortable to talk about, people tend to just gravitate toward the things they notice — which is not the same as aligning on the workload as partners. Operating independently means work is done without recognition and resentments build over the tedious day-to-day stuff.  In the absence of direct conversation, one party ends up taking on the lion’s share of the work. Studies show that this is often the woman, who ends up feeling burdened by both the physical and emotional labor involved. The workload becomes so exhausting, there’s not enough energy left to cultivate the relationship.