Getting Your Mojo Back

Wherever I speak in the world, leaders and employees are sharing with me an overwhelming sense of fatigue. And it’s understandable, when Covid swept the world in March 2020 we underwent the single most disruptive work event since the Industrial Revolution a century ago. Work was reinvented on the fly. We plugged in to our computers and took off into the great unknown. Now, nearly 3 years later as we face the ongoing complexities of hybrid work schedules, the headwinds of inflation and a potential recession, global unrest, ongoing racial and political strife, it’s no wonder we are just plain tired. According to Microsoft's 2022 Work Trend Index 48% of employees and 53% of managers report that they’re burned out at work.

Since the challenges of disruption and uncertainty are here for the foreseeable future,  we have to find ways to restore our energy and motivation while we ride the waves of change. When the world feels out of control, Consider that you don’t have to wait for a vacation, or for the project to be done. Instead a couple of small tweaks today can make a big difference to restoring your ‘mojo’. 


During times of crisis and triage, we tend to really shorten our time horizon, focusing on how to get through THIS moment, or THIS day or THIS week. I know of nothing more energizing than looking up from the day to day and casting your eyes toward the future by setting a goal.   Think of a new work goal, something to achieve or a skill you want to develop in the next 6-months. The opportunity to learn new things keeps your mind alive and brain exercised. Taken with a sense of adventure, you can view the frequently changing nature of jobs, roles and industries as an opportunity to develop a unique and amazing set of skills. Ongoing development in yourself lifts you from fear and uncertainty casting your eyes and focus onto something bigger than any one moment, or task, or project. 


Overnight, Covid disrupted any self-care routines we ever had; Sleep and exercise, healthy eating, socializing, hobbies, any habits we’d built got upended.  Even as the world has “opened up”, it’s been hard to create new self-care routines. Yet, renewing and recharging is critical to our souls and in fact, one of the best professional investments you can make in yourself. Stepping away gives you perspective and lets your brain work on problems and stresses in a new way. I use the acronym S.E.L.F. to define the 4 things we need to be balanced and thriving; sleep (& rest), exercise, love (& relationships) and fun. The big secret is we get enormous benefits in very small and consistent doses of each one. Sleep aside (we all need 7-9 hours a night) we can rest, exercise, socialize and have fun in 5-20 minute doses. Clients are always surprised and encouraged by the renewal and recharges these small and consistent doses provide. Here are a few examples to get your mind and creativity whirring.

  • Rest: Shift your gaze from your computer and take a mental break from your work to conjure up a fun or relaxing memory

  • Exercise: Sitting yoga at your desk twice a day for 10 minutes

  • Love & Relationships: Text or call a friend everyday on your commute 

  • Fun: Leave out your sketchbook and sketch for 9-12 minutes while dinner simmers on the stove

To break the spell of exhaustion and burnout, just one of each, a goal and a daily, consistent S.E.L.F. care habit practiced consistently and over time make a big impact. Knowing that you are worth these two small investments helps you commit to the changes that can unlock your ‘mojo’ and restore your energy and enthusiasm.