for Individuals

Employees today have a unique challenge.

They must adapt to a shifting workplace, focus in a variety of distractible environments, streamline overwhelming workloads, and consistently carve out time for strategy and innovation. Individual contributors work in demanding environments, where they may not have a ton of flexibility but are hungry for skills that will help them work sustainably and go the distance. 

Time Leadership® is the process of creating an environment that brings out peak performance in each individual and those around them. 

It empowers people at every level of the organization to take control of their time in a way that is impactful and sustainable. Time Leadership is a core competency that ensures that the most valuable resource, people, invest their energy on the highest and best use of time. 

As part of your commitment to employee well-being and productivity, you want to provide tools to adapt to the new demands at work and at home. You want a program that creates consistent time for strategic thinking, relationships, and renewal and a more efficient operating model to maximize the value of time spent. 

You would like to contribute to the career development of your employees by offering a program to improve their time management, work-life balance and productivity.

Recommended Programs

WorkSMART features:

  • Manage competing priorities

  • Create the time to get things done

  • Control distractions

  • Structure days for peak efficiency

  • Streamline workloads to work smart, not hard

  • Replace old habits with new productivity behaviors 

  • Organize calendars to focus on the highest and best use of time.

WorkBALANCE features:

  • Assess their balance with a unique framework

  • Strategically create and protect time for renewal

  • Build in reliable daily anchors of self care

  • Structure weekends for balance

  • Streamline Household Logistics

  • Make Mindful transitions between work and personal time

WorkSHARE features:

  • Turn time discussions into collaborative interactions that create win-win’s for all

  • Make meetings efficient and outcome-based 

  • Align on Norms for Communication

  • Graciously handle curveballs

  • Ensure the highest and best use of everyone’s time

  • Tackle courageous conversations to manage roadblocks

All of Julie’s time management strategies were practical and relevant, and I love that she included self care! Amazing session! Thank you.
— WorkSmart Participant