for Intact Work Teams

intact work team

It’s been a challenging time for your team.

They’re working hard, but not necessarily efficiently. The cost is high stress, burnout, and diminished productivity. Time inefficiencies amplified during the crisis that you recognize are unsustainable as you move into the future.

Your team is struggling with optimizing their most valuable finite resource: time. Team members are overloaded with meetings, email and extended workdays with not enough time to think, cultivate relationships or renew. The tyranny of the urgent has created a team that is more reactive than proactive. 

You would like to engage the team in a thought provoking dialogue around time and productivity. The ultimate goal: introduce new, practical ways of thinking and behaving, with concrete strategies that can be applied immediately to achieve measurable results.

Our approach to boosting productivity involves focusing on managing energy and brainpower for peak performance. This allows for your team’s continued incredible growth and ambition.

Your team will learn cutting edge strategies to work smart, not hard and carve out time for thinking, strategy and innovation. Techniques include choosing the highest value tasks, streamlining their to-do list, creating time to think, outsmarting distractions, conducting outcome-based meetings, and building team cohesion in person and remotely.

As the world has changed, you recognize the need to similarly embrace change, fostering a team that can thrive at work, achieve business goals with excellence, and still have time for a satisfying and sustainable work-life balance.

You want to focus on development and training that is equipped with the proper tools to work better and more productively. You are seeking a program to boost the agility of the team and its members, both individually and collectively. 

Recommended Programs

WorkSMART features:

  • Manage competing priorities

  • Create the time to get things done

  • Control distractions

  • Structure days for peak efficiency

  • Streamline workloads to work smart, not hard

  • Replace old habits with new productivity behaviors 

  • Organize calendars to focus on the highest and best use of time.

WorkSHARE features:

  • Turn time discussions into collaborative interactions that create win-win’s for all

  • Make meetings efficient and outcome-based 

  • Align on Norms for Communication

  • Graciously handle curveballs

  • Ensure the highest and best use of everyone’s time

  • Tackle courageous conversations to manage roadblocks

The session was fantastic and inclusive. I loved the way Julie engaged participants.
— Participant