KickStart your S.E.L.F. CARE

Building self-care habits takes consciousness, intentionality, and practical strategies that work for us.  We may need to break past guilt and resistance to find new ways to fuel our souls. 

Here are three ways to start climbing out of burnout and integrate powerful new self-care routines into your life. 


When we are out of practice (and burnt out), it can be hard to muster the energy to get our self-care motor going again. And if you haven’t gotten to everything on your to-do list, it can be hard to justify taking time for yourself.   Committing to self-care involves a shift in mindset and often a true leap of faith to get started.  Instead of waiting for all the to-do’s to be completed,  jump ahead and start refueling yourself in small ways.  Micro-doses of self-care built into each day have a huge impact, providing the energy boost and improved productivity that will motivate you to do more. 


It helps to be systematic and intentional about how you're spending your renewal time. There are four essentials of self-care required to keep from running out of steam and restore our energy and brainpower. Together, they spell out a memorable acronym, SELF, as in fueling yourself. 

S is for Sleep and rest.  Sleep is an active process essential for health and well-being, according to research published by the NIH . Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night to function well physically and mentally.  And beyond a whole night’s sleep, research also shows we need short bursts of rest daily to keep energized and sharp.   

E is for Exercise.  Physical activity is vital for optimal body  and brain functioning. It can be formal exercise like going to the gym or informal like mindful movement as you walk up and down stairs, bend your knees to sit down in a chair, or simply walk to the store. All of it counts.

L is for Love. Cultivating relationships by spending time with loved ones, family, friends, community, and pets is a powerful form of self-care. When we nurture those relationships, we feel nurtured, which in turn helps us feel grounded, gives us perspective, and provides a secure sense of connectedness that fortifies us to engage in the world.

F is for Fun. These are the hobbies, passions, or activities of pure relaxation that, whenever you do them, you feel like you. For me, it's dance. I have a friend who builds complex Lego kits as her escape. For somebody else, it could be drawing, gardening, or working in a woodshop. What are the things that instantly transport and restore you? 

Self-care is not one thing; it’s a combination of these four sources of renewal. Vary it up, and build a mix of each of these into the fabric of your life and routines.


As you consider the four sources of renewal: Sleep, Exercise, Love, and Fun–identify what's the lowest-hanging fruit for you.  Which seems most accessible and doable for you at this moment? Which would most quickly restore your energy,  perspective and start filling up your tank?  Start there, gain some momentum, and then systematically fold in the others, one at a time. 

Let’s take the summer to recharge our batteries, body, mind, and soul.  As you embrace the power of self-care, start small, but start today. By doing so, we can beat burnout and fortify ourselves from the inside out by integrating reliable self-care into our lives.